Two communities on the opposite ends of Texas announced new wastewater treatment facilities. The City of Conroe started construction on a 6 MGD plant, designed by Lockwood, Andrews, and Newman. The projected is expected to be completed in spring 2022. In Vinton, TWDB funding will be pooled with a grant from the North American Development Bank to build a treatment plant that will be operated by El Paso Utilities.
SWIFT Funding applications are now being accepted by the Texas Water Development Board. The application period is open through February 3. The TWDB has a board meeting scheduled for December 19. A potential new wastewater system in Laredo, among other big ticket items, is on the agenda.
As the US Navy requests a delay in a PFAS-related lawsuit, the National Law Review details potential challenges treatment plants may face under divergent PFAS screening regimes as they relate to biosolids.