Texas Water 2025

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Texas Water is the joint annual conference of the Water Environment Association of Texas and the Texas Section American Water Works Association.

The conference is celebrating its 30th year as the Largest Regional Water Conference in the U.S.© and caters to professionals in the wastewater and water industry, including water quality engineers, treatment plant technicians, scientists, government officials, regulatory agency personnel, manufacturers and their agents, libraries, universities and groups and individuals concerned with protecting public health and the environment.

We hope you'll join us in Houston for Texas Water 2025!

We are happy to announce the call for abstracts for presentation at the Texas Water 2025 Conference. This year, the deadline for abstract submittal is September 9, 2024. You may notice the deadline is a bit earlier due to the conference being earlier (March 18-21, 2025). We do not intend to extend the deadline so submit your abstracts as soon as you can.

If you have a topic you'd like to share with the Texas Water community, submit an Abstract! The Program Committee will review your submission and begin informing accepted abstracts of their decision by December 2024. All submitted abstracts will be notified of their final status by January 2025.

Texas Water 2025 will be held on March 18-21, 2025 at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas.

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