Texas Water 2025

Q4 28

Texas Water is the joint annual conference of the Water Environment Association of Texas and the Texas Section American Water Works Association.

The conference is celebrating its 31st year as the Largest Regional Water Conference in the U.S.© and caters to professionals in the wastewater and water industry, including water quality engineers, treatment plant technicians, scientists, government officials, regulatory agency personnel, manufacturers and their agents, libraries, universities and groups and individuals concerned with protecting public health and the environment.

We hope you'll join us in Houston for Texas Water 2025!

Interested in Attending?

Attendee Registration for Texas Water 2025 is now open at www.txwater.org

Register today!

Special Events Include:

7:00 am Golf Tournament • Wildcat Golf Course

8:30 am–11:30 am Curtis Smalley Environmental Event Clinton Park

12:30 pm–3:30 pm WEAT Annual Board Meeting Convention Center Room 360

4:00 pm–5:00 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Pre-Meeting

4:30 pm–6:30 pm Meet & Greet • Exhibit Hall

7:00 pm-9:00 pm WEAT President's Reception

5:30 am Dodson Drive Fun Run (6:30 am start time)

8:15 am–8:45 am WEAT Ops Challenge Process Control Event

8:45 am–3:00 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Laboratory, Exhibition and Electrical Events

9:00 am–10:00 am Opening Session

9:00 am–1:30 pm WEAT Student Design Competition

11:30 am–1:00 pm Awards Lunch

1:00 pm–1:15 pm WEAT Business Meeting

1:20 pm–5:10 pm Value of Water Program

3:00 pm–3:30 pm Biosolids Beauty Contest

3:30 pm–5:00 pm Fastest Saw Cut

5:15 pm–5:30 pm Young Professionals & Student Awards Ceremony

5:30 pm–6:15 pm Young Professionals & Student Reception/Mentoring Program Networking Event

7:15 am–9:00 am Women of Water Breakfast

8:00 am–2:45 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Safety, Collection System, Maintenance and Exhibition Events

12:00 pm–1:05 pm Awards Celebration

2:45 pm–3:45 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Awards Ceremony

6:15 pm Gavel Passing • Shell Energy Stadium

6:30 pm–8:30 pm Conference Night-Out • Shell Energy Stadium

7:00 am–8:30 am Gloyna Breakfast

8:00 am–Noon Facility Tours • Depart from Convention Center

Important Info & Featured Events at Texas Water 2025


Online registration is open now at txwater.org!

Contact the WEAT office for your WEAT/WEF Member number.

WEAT Committee Meetings

Take action and join a committee! WEAT offers a wide variety of specialized committees to its members. Committee connections provide members with a sense of camaraderie and mutual goals, which are especially rewarding at this time. Committees will be having open meetings the week of Texas Water 2025. Feel free to jump in and join any or as many of the meetings as you’re interested in and have time to attend.

Click the button below to viewa a comprehensive schedule of committee meetings at Texas Water 2025.

WEAT Board Meeting & Leaders' Networking Event

WEAT's 2nd Quarter Board Meeting at Texas Water will see new officer elections for the 2025-26 term. The Board Meeting & Networking Event is open to anyone interested in getting involved with WEAT and will be held on-site at the George R. Brown Convention Center Room 360 on March 18, 2025 from 12:30 to 3:30 PM.

Opening General Session/Keynote Address

Wednesday, March 19, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Opening Session

Join us at the Opening General session for Keynotes from WEF Delegate Stephen Sanders & Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey.

Ramsey has served as Harris County Commissioner since 2021, prior to which he spent 44 years as a Professional Engineer. He was the University of Houston's Public Official of the Year in 2017, Houston Area Engineering Societies 2023 Engineer of the Year, Texas A&M's Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering's Distinguished Graduate Awardee 2023, and the 2024 ASCE Public Official of the year.

He is a deacon and teaches two Bible study classes at Houston's Second Baptist Church. He is a native of Crockett, Texas, a resident of Harris County for more than 35 years, and a graduate of Texas A&M University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. He and his wife Marsha have three children and seven grandchildren.

Operations Challenge

Watch the nation’s best operators and maintenance staff compete in the Operations Challenge Competition at Texas Water. This multi-day competition challenges utility teams to test their knowledge in different aspects of their day-to-day responsibilities. Operations Challenge is composed of five individual events that carry over to the national competition at WEFTEC. In addition, Texas has created additional exhibition events to provide other opportunities for teams to compete. The competitions include:

Freese and Nichols Process Controls Event: Teams will complete a written test consisting of short math and process scenario questions, electronic multiple-choice questions, and process simulation using GPS-X software of a WWTP.
Hartwell Environmental Laboratory Event: Analyzing and determining total suspended solids, conductivity / TDS and performing solids mass balance across a treatment system.
Walter Chiang Maintenance Event Sponsored by STV: The purpose of this event is to test the skills of a maintenance team to respond to trouble at a wastewater lift station that has resulted in an alarm. Teams will race to remove an operating Vaughan chopper pump, change the impellar, and put it back in service.
AECOM Collection System Event: Teams are required to cut out a section of an 8-inch PVC wastewater pipe with water flowing through it, drill and install a 4-inch service saddle in the replacement pipe, cut and install the replacement section with couplings. Construction of a Victualic pipe tree is also required.
Carollo Safety Event: Teams will be required to rescue unconscious workers from a lift station. Team members will set up a retrieval system, perform a permit-required confined space entry, rescue the downed worker, and change out flaps on a check valve.
Gupta Electrical Event: Teams will race to troubleshoot a lift station control panel and power supply.
Seepex Exhibition Event: Competitors will race to replace the stator and rotor in a Seepex Smart Conveying Technology (SCT) pump.
Victaulic Exhibition Event: A race to put together a style 31 coupling tree arrangement using Victaulic couplings, pipes, and drill drivers.

Fastest Saw Cut Competition

Anyone can sign up and join us for the premier Fastest Saw Cut event. Individuals can race to see how fast they can cut a 6" PVC pipe with a hand saw. The fastest person receives $100, a trophy, and top bragging rights. The competition includes a Utility Management Division, pitting utility executives head-to-head in a bracket competition. After than, an open competition with men's and women's divisions, and a Pro Division. Sign up today at the link below.

The Fastest Saw Cut will occur at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, March 19.

YP Process Control Competition

Anyone can sign up for this! Teams of two will compete head to head in a GPS-X Simulator and process test for WWTPs.

Sign up at the link below:

Operations Awards Ceremony

Congratulate the best performing teams in each competition event, along with the overall winners, at the Operations Challenge Awards Ceremony, on Thursday, March 20 from 2:45 to 3:45 PM in Ballroom C.

The Operations Awards Ceremony will also see the announcement of the Biosolids Beauty Contest winners, and other WEAT Operations Awardees.

Biosolids Beauty Contest

The Biosolids Beauty Contest returns at Texas Water 2025 and will be held on Wednesday, March 19 from 3:00 to 3:30 PM in the Exhibit Hall.

Categories include Class B, Class A/AB, Overall Winner, People’s Choice and Most Creative Presentation.

Click the button below for more information and to sign up.

Student Design Competition

Wednesday, March 19, 9 AM to 1:30 PM

The WEAT Student Design Competition (SDC) gives students the opportunity to design and present a project based on a real-world wastewater treatment plant design problem. Students will be competing to represent WEAT at the Student Design Competition in Chicago at WEFTEC 2025.

The 2025 WEAT SDC will focus on the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater Facility in Round Rock, Texas. Students will propose design alternatives to construct new facilities required for a 10 MGD expansion, rehabilitate existing facilities, convert from a conventional activated sludge facility to a biological phosphorus removal facility, and identification of PFAS sampling locations and treatment technologies for the reuse system.

Come out and support your alma mater or see some prospective future leaders in the industry! This year's teams are from Abilene Christian University, Texas Tech University, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Houston, and Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.

Women of Water Breakfast

Thursday, March 20, 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM

Ticket required

The Annual Women of Water Breakfast will feature three dynamic panel members who will share their career stories, leadership successes and challenges, their thoughts on work-life integration, mentorship, and much more.

This year's Breakfast will feature a panel moderated by Liz Fazio Hale, CEO and General manager for Gulf Coast Authority. Participating will be Connie Curtis, Director of Technical and Operational Services for San Jacinto River Authority; Dr. Christina Petersen, Executive Director for Harris Country Flood Control District; and L'Oreal Stepney, Chairwoman of the Texas Water Development Board.

We look forward to having you join us for breakfast as these women showcase the difference women can make in our water community, while also providing a forum for future leaders to network with seasoned professionals.

One ticket is included with Full Registration. Additional breakfast tickets are available at $60 each.

Facility Tours

Friday, March 21, 8:00 AM

Attendees can add to their Texas Water 2025 experience by registering for one of the three Friday morning tours. Registrants can add a facility tour for $40 at the registration desk onsite.

Option 1: San Jacinto River Authority - GRP Surface Water Treatment Plant and Lake Conroe Dam

Option 2: Port of Houston

Options 3: City of Houston - 69th Street Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Curtis Smalley Environmental Event

Tuesday, March 18 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Calling all environmental enthusiasts and dedicated volunteers – get ready to make a splash at the Curtis Smalley Environmental Event! This event promises a morning of meaningful impact and Texas-sized camaraderie in East Houston's Clinton Park. With a blend of professionalism and genuine enthusiasm, the Curtis Smalley Environmental Event aims to inspire, educate, and foster connections among water enthusiasts, passionate about safeguarding our water resources. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a collective effort that will continue the legacy of this cherished event. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up for the event online at www.txwater.org (under “Events”).

Dodson's Drive 5K Fun Run/Walk

Wednesday, March 19 5:30 AM check in; 6:30 AM start time

The Dodson Drive Fun Run supports young professionals in the Texas water industry by raising funds to support the TAWWA/WEAT Dodson Drive Fund. The Dodson Drive Fund, established in 2011 to honor the late Kenneth Dodson, provides scholarships for young professionals and funding to send our young professionals to the annual Young Professionals Summit.

This year’s Fun Run is a 5K course location starting Buffalo Bayou Park in Houston. Participants will run along a scenic route through part of the park, with view of the bayou and the downtown skyline. All teams and paid participants will be chip timed and receive a technical shirt. Finishers will receive their very own finisher’s ribbon to wear on your Texas Water badge. Awards will be given to the fastest male and female overall runners, fastest male and female masters runners, fastest YP male and female runners, and the fastest team. Sign up at www.txwater.org! Don’t miss being a part of this conference tradition!

InFLOW Program

InFLOW stands for Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water and was conceived by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) in an effort to introduce promising students from underrepresented groups to professional careers in the water industry. InFLOW aims to enhance diversity and inclusion in the water workforce.

More information about the national InFLOW program is available at WEF's InFLOW page.

The InFLOW program is intended to showcase and inform students of the many rewarding careers in the water sector; as well as facilitate networking and mentoring opportunities for successful careers in the water sector.

More information about InFLOW at Texas Water is available at WEAT's InFLOW page.

Awards Lunch

Wednesday, March 19 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Ticket Required

Enjoy a great meal with your colleagues at the Awards Lunch. The luncheon will feature the first of the conference award ceremonies, recognizing some of the longtime leaders of our water/wastewater community. Your ticket to the luncheon is included with Full or Wednesday-Only Registration. Additional tickets are available for $75 on or before March 18; $85 after.

Awards Celebration

Thursday, March 20 12:00 to 1:05 PM

Texas Water will honor WEAT and TAWWA friends and
colleagues who have demonstrated their commitment to the
water and wastewater profession. This fast-paced, live and fun
event will take place in Ballroom C of the Convention
Center. Box Lunches will be made available to attendees.

Conference Night Out

Thursday, March 20, 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM

Ticket required

Our conference night out event will take place at the Shell Energy Stadium, home of the two-time MLS Champion Houston Dynamo.

Shuttle buses will leave from the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 6 pm. The Gavel Passing ceremony will begin at 6:15 pm. Transportation is also available via the Houston Light Rail. Take the Purple or Green Lines eastbound to the EaDoStadium stop.

A Conference Night-Out ticket is included with Full Registration or with the Guest Badge. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the cost of $110.

Shell Energy Stadium is located at 2200 Texas Street, Houston, TX 77003.

Water for People Silent Auction

Wednesday, March 19 - Thursday, March 20

All net proceeds from the silent auction benefit Water For People, a global non-profit with a revolutionary mission of water and sanitation for every family, every school, and every clinic!! Water For People insists on remaining for generations, gaining district-wide matching support, employing locals, and empowering women. Their motto is “Everyone Forever” and the model they employ to execute programs and projects ensures long-lasting, sustainable impacts to communities. To donate an auction item, visit www.txwater.org.

Meet & Greet/Exhibit Hall

Tuesday, March 18, 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Texas Water attendees Meet & Greet in the Exhibit Hall at the George R. Brown Convention Center for refreshments.

Registration opens at 4 p.m., along with the full Exhibit Hall. Texas Water 2025 hosts the largest regional water exhibition on the continent. More than 600 exhibit booths are in one place, at one time, in the convention center.

YP Technical Session

Wednesday, March 19, 1:20 to 5:10 PM

Young Professionals will share their knowledge and experiences on an array of matters aimed at engaging YPs and seasoned professionals alike. Reference the program lineup for details.

Student Award Ceremony

Wednesday, March 19, 5:15 PM to 5:30 PM

Winners of the Student Design Competition, the University Forum, and the Dodson’s Drive Run will be honored and celebrated at this ceremony, ahead of the YP, Students, and Mentoring Program Networking Event.

YP, Students, InFLOW Students, Mentoring Program Networking Event

Wednesday, March 19 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM

Join Students, YPs, and seasoned professionals for drinks and hors d’oeuvres during this networking event. The Networking Event will provide Young Professionals an opportunity to meet with Mentors and discuss their career journey. Join us to learn more about the Mentoring Program and how you can participate.

Professional Ethics Workshop for Engineers

Thursday, March 20, 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

The Texas Water Engineer’s Ethics Seminar is an interactive and thought-provoking session led by Bob Pence and Gina Smith from Freese and Nichols, Inc. While earning one Professional Development Hour and satisfying the annual ethics requirement, you will learn to recognize ethical situations faced by engineers, analyze the issues of ethical situations, and discuss how to resolve ethical situations in a creative and professional manner. There is no additional fee or need to pre-register for this training.

Workshop: SCADA Demystified, A Beginner's Journey

Wednesday, March 19 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

This introductory workshop provides a comprehensive overview of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, which are essential for monitoring and controlling industrial processes across various industries. Designed for beginners, the workshop covers the fundamental concepts, components, and applications of SCADA systems.

6 hours of Water and Wastewater Operator CEUs have been approved by the TCEQ.

Workshop registration costs $240, and includes a boxed lunch and access to the Exhibit Hall following the program. Limited to 25 attendees.

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