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Q2 26

WEAT Fact Sheets

Interested in water quality topics? Check out the WEAT Fact Sheets below. These fact sheets are curated with information that briefly explains the various topics of wastewater.

Q2 26

WQIQ - Advanced Operator Training

Training for new & longtime operators, encouraging best practices and providing CEU credit. All courses offer CEU credit, a licensed instructor, and course material. Contact the WEAT office at admin@WEAT.org to schedule your onsite Advanced Operator Training Course today. Course offerings are routinely update as new courses come online.

Water Quality Month 15

Water Quality Month

August is National Water Quality Month!

Find social media-ready Water Quality content on a variety of topics to help you successfully communicate with your audiences.

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Network with your industry peers and colleagues on best water management and treatment practices. Be part of something larger than you! Join a 4600+ strong group of committed and passionate individuals working for clean water. Become part of The water quality group in Texas today!

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