During interim, regular and special sessions we actively track activities of the House Appropriations, and Senate Finance Committees, the House and Senate Committees on Natural Resources and the House Environmental Regulation Committee, among others.
When the Texas legislature is not in session, the key committees are assigned interim charges that contain specific topics for study and public hearings. The committees prepare reports on these charges in the fall of even numbered years, in preparation for the next legislative session.
Legislative committee hearings are held intensively from January through May of odd numbered years and periodically outside of these regular sessions, as scheduled by the committee chairs. Most hearings can be viewed online at the links below.
We coordinate closely with the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) as well as other federal and state water associations.
WEF’s Government Affairs Committee monitors activities in the U.S. Congress and important regulatory activity at federal agencies through its Legislative and Regulatory subcommittees.