Stay Informed in 2025

Keeping our members informed of pending legislation, while educating lawmakers and regulators about the critical importance of the clean water sector to Texas, is an essential part of WEAT's mission. This page lists all the bills for the 89th Texas Legislative Session that WEAT is tracking progress on.

PFAS & Biosolids Watch

click the links below for key documents in the biosolids regulatory landscape in Texas.

State Chemist Proposed Rule Change September 6th, 2024

WEAT/TACWA Comments on Proposed Rule October 4, 2024

HB 1674 Filed 12/19/2024

EPA PFAS in Biosolids Risk Assessment Report January 14, 2025

WEAT PFAS & Biosolids White Paper

88th Legislature Interim Reports

Senate Water, Agricultural, and Rural Affairs Committee Interim Report (Click to View)

House Natural Resources Committee Interim Report (Click to View)

House Environmental Regulation Committee Interim Report (Click to View)

Texas State Legislature - Key Dates for 2024-25

  • November 5, 2024 - General Election (local, state, and federal races)
  • November 12, 2024 - Bill Pre-filing begins
  • January 14, 2025 - Texas legislature convenes, start of the 88th Legislative Session
  • March 14, 2025 - Bill filing deadline
  • June 2, 2025 - Sine Die, Last day of regular Texas legislative session (Governor can add special sessions to allow more time to pass legislation)
89th Session High Priority Water Quality Bills
HB 156Rayond, RichardRelating to a study by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding the protection of certain water facilities from catastrophes.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 157Rayond, RichardRelating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 310Guillen, RyanRelating to the use of money transferred from the Texas water fund.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 365Gonzalez, MaryRelating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance from the economically distressed areas account that is not required to be repaid.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 422Gonzalez, MaryRelating to limitations on the issuance of bonds by the Texas Water Development Board for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 482Lopez, RayRelating to the provision by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the pertinent state representative and state senator of notice of certain administrative actions of the commission.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 901Harrison, BrianRelating to a limitation on the salary paid to officers and employees of this state and political subdivisions of this state.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 940Harrison, BrianRelating to decisions of an administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings in contested cases.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 1145Morales Shaw, PennyRelating to a study regarding the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in hydraulic fracturing.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 1177Cunningham, CharlesRelating to the creation of the criminal offense of diverting or impounding the flow of surface water in a manner that damages the property of another by the overflow of the water diverted or impounded.Filed 11-12-24
HB 1237Guillen, RyanRelating to the renewal by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of certain expired occupational licenses and registrations.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 1238Guillen, RyanRelating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.Filed 11-12-2024
HB 1344Troxclair, EllenRelating to prioritization of requests for financial assistance from certain funds administered by the Texas Water Development Board.Filed 11-15-2024
HB 1353Guillen, RyanRelating to international cooperation agreements between certain state agencies and the United Mexican States and funding for infrastructure investment in this state.Filed 11-15-2024
HB 1400Harris, CodyRelating to creation of the groundwater science, research, and innovation fund to be administered by the Texas Water Development Board.Filed 11-19-2024
HB 1501Tinderholt, TonyRelating to a study of the feasibility of using seawater desalination processes in Texas.Filed 12-3-2024
HB 1523Gerdes, StanRelating to a prohibition on the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the use of a Class V injection well for certain aquifer storage and recovery projects.Filed 12-5-2024
HB 1674Helen KerwinRelating to the production, sale, and use of certain agricultural products containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).Relating to the production, sale, and use of certain agricultural products containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).Filed 12-19-2024
HB 1730Morales Shaw, PennyRelating to a study regarding the effects of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals on public health.Filed 1-3-2025
HB 2091Martinez, ArmandoRelating to the provision of financial assistance by the Texas Water Development Board for certain projects.Filed 1-24-25
SB 191Menendez, JoseRelating to the adoption of a healthy and safe school water plan by public schools.Referred to Senate Education Committee 2-3-2025
SB 427Adam HinojosaRelating to the eligibility of certain political subdivisions to receive a state loan or grant following the political subdivision's failure to comply with certain annual financial reporting.Referred to Senate Local Government Committee 2-3-2025
SB 448Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to certain cost sharing requirements for a desalination facility operating under a public-private partnership.Referred to Senate Economic Development Committee 2-3-2025
SB 526Eckhardt, SarahRelating to the use of green stormwater infrastructure in new state buildings.Referred to Senate Business & Commerce Committee 2-3-2025
SB 553Flores, PeteRelating to the design-build method for certain government construction projects.Referred tp Senate Business & Commerce Committee 2-3-2025
SB 565Perry, CharlesRelating to a compliance agreement for the suspension of an enforcement action against a regional water supply, sewer, wastewater treatment, or solid waste disposal service for certain violations.Referred to Senate Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs Committee 2-3-2025
SB 758Middleton, MayesRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law.Filed 1-10-2025
SB 768Menendez, JoseRelating to a study regarding the effects of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals on public health.Filed 1-13-2025
SB 790Alvarado, CarolRelating to the procedure for resolving certain customer complaints before the Public Utility Commission of Texas.Filed 1-15-25
SB 886Sparks, KevinRelating to the production, sale, and use of certain agricultural products containing perfluoralkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS).Filed 1-23-25
SB 1060Parker, TanRelating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.Filed 2-3-2025

Texas Legislative Process Overview

The Texas Legislature meets in Austin every odd-numbered year (from January through May) to pass new laws. All legislation must undergo at least one public hearing in both a House and Senate committee before it can be passed into law. These hearings are the key opportunities for input to be provided to policymakers. Legislative committee hearings are held intensively from January through May of odd numbered years and periodically outside of these regular sessions, as scheduled by the committee chairs.

This site is intended to provide links to and highlights of important water and environmental bills WEAT is tracking. WEAT actively tracks state legislation and testifies as appropriate through collaboration between our Executive Director Julie Nahrgang, WEAT President and leadership, and WEAT Knowledge Committees. Scroll down for WEAT's Bill Tracking Table.

We maintain strong relationships with the Water Quality Division staff at TCEQ as well as EPA Region 6. For updates on regulatory issues that WEAT is following.

Regulatory Affairs Blog

To view WEAT's Bill Tracking Table for the 87th Texas Legislature:

87th Legislature

To view WEAT's Bill Tracking Table for the 86th Texas Legislature:

86th Legislature

To view WEAT's Bill Tracking Table for the 85th Texas Legislature:

85th Legislature