Texas Legislative Process Overview

The Texas Legislature meets in Austin every odd-numbered year (from January through May) to pass new laws. All legislation must undergo at least one public hearing in both a House and Senate committee before it can be passed into law. These hearings are the key opportunities for input to be provided to policymakers. Legislative committee hearings are held intensively from January through May of odd numbered years and periodically outside of these regular sessions, as scheduled by the committee chairs.

This site is intended to provide links to and highlights of important water and environmental bills WEAT is tracking. WEAT actively tracks state legislation and testifies as appropriate through collaboration between our Executive Director Julie Nahrgang, WEAT President and leadership, and WEAT Knowledge Committees. Scroll down for WEAT's Bill Tracking Table.

Texas 86th Legislature Interim Charges

Members are charged with gathering information and reporting back on assigned topics while not in session.

Texas 85th Legislature Interim Reports

Texas State Legislature - Key Dates for 2020-2021

  • November 3, 2020 - General Election (local, state, and federal races)
  • January 12, 2021 - Texas legislature convenes, start of the 87th Legislative Session
  • May 31, 2021 - Last day of regular Texas legislative session (Governor can add special sessions to allow more time to pass legislation)
86th Session High Priority Water Quality Bills
HB 5Phelan, DadeRelating to debris management and other disaster recovery efforts.Passed
HB 6Morrison, GeanieRelating to developing a disaster recovery task force to assist with long-term disaster recovery.Passed
HB 7Morrison, GeanieRelating to disaster preparation for state agencies and political subdivisions.Passed
HB 13Phelan, DadeRelating to flood planning, mitigation, and infrastructure projects.5/16/19 Not heard in Senate committee - Not Passed
HB 26Metcalf, WillRelating to the creation of an alert system to notify affected persons of certain releases of water from certain dams.Passed
HB 34Raymond, RichardRelating to a statewide disaster alert system.4/24/19 Voted favorably from committee - Not Passed
HB 91Martinez, ArmandoRelating to establishment of the disaster identification system for a declared state of disaster.5/22/19 Placed on Senate Intent Calendar - Not Passed
HB 481 Companion Bill SB 520Kuempel, John & Campbell, DonnaRelating to the storage and recovery of water in a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.Passed
HB 523Allen, AlmaRelating to permit application requirements for solid waste facilities.2/20/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 720Larson, LyleRelating to appropriations of water for use inaquifer storage and recovery projects.Passed
HB 721Larson, LyleRelating to the duty of the Texas Water Development Board to conduct studies of and prepare and submit reports on aquifer storage and recovery.Passed
HB 722Larson, LyleRelating to the development of brackish groundwater.Passed
HB 723Larson, LyleRelating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality obtain or develop updated water availability models for certain river basins.Passed
HB 724 Companion Bill SB 1836Larson, Lyle &
Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the discharge, diversion, and transfer or other reuse of treated brackish groundwater and return flows derived from treated brackish groundwater.4/24/19 Received in the Senate - Not Passed
HB 726Larson, LyleRelating to the regulation of groundwater.5/8/19 Referred to Senate Committee - Not Passed
HB 817 Companion Bill SB 655King, Tracy &
Flores, Pete
Relating to a restriction on permits authorizing direct discharges of waste or pollutants into water in certain areas of the Edwards Aquifer3/12/19 Left pending in committee - Not Passed
HB 845Lozano, JoseRelating to the eligibility of property used for a water desalination project for ad valorem tax benefits under the Texas Economic Development Act.3/20/19 Left pending in committee - Not Passed
HB 944Dutton, HaroldRelating to the posting of notice of intent to obtain a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality at the site of the facility or proposed facility for which the permit is sought.Filed - Not Passed
HB 1044 Companion Bill SB 483Zwiener, Erin &
Campbell, Donna
Relating to permits for certain injection wells that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.4/12/19 Reported from committee - Not Passed
HB 1052Larson, LyleRelating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to use the state participation account of the water development fund to provide financial assistance for the development of certain facilities.Passed
HB 1059 Companion Bill SB 1381Lucio III, Eddie &
Rodriguez, Jose
Relating to a biennial report on stormwater infrastructure in this state.Vetoed
HB 1267 Companion Bill SB 530Wray, John &
Birdwell, Bryan
Relating to civil and administrative penalties assessed or imposed for violations of laws protecting drinking water, public water supplies, and bodies of water.Passed
HB 1469Thierry, ShawnRelating to certain public school workforce training programs funded by the skills development fund.5/13/19 Referred to Senate Committee - Not Passed
HB 1472Thierry, ShawnRelating to certain public school workforce training programs funded by the skills development fund.2/27/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 1594Shine, HughRelating to a study by the Texas Water Development Board of groundwater availability in certain counties.3/4/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 1617Larson, LyleRelating to the deadline by which the Texas Water Development Board is required to identify and designate brackish groundwater production zones for certain areas of the state.Passed
HB 1671Huberty, DanRelating to water quality protection areas.3/4/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 1964Ashby, TrentRelating to the procedure for action on certain applications for an amendment to a water right.Passed
HB 2003 Companion Bill SB 970Leach, Jeff &
Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the review and approval of contingent fee contracts for certain public agencies.5/2/19 Pronounced dead by procedural action - Not Passed
HB 2023 Companion Bill SB 942Metcalf, Will &
Johnson, Nathan
Relating to the use of money in the state water pollution control revolving fund.Passed
HB 2031Tuner, JohnRelating to a statewide water conservation public awareness program.3/5/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 2123Harris, CodyRelating to authorizing petitions to change certain rules adopted by groundwater conservation districts.4/12/19 Reported from Committee - Not Passed
HB 2426Reynolds, RonRelating to regulation of on-site sewage disposal systems including occupational licensure requirements associated with those systems.3/11/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 2545Guillen, RyanRelating to franchise tax, oil production tax, and gas production tax incentives for certain desalination facility operations.5/17/19 Left pending in Senate Committee - Not Passed
HB 2771 Companion Bill SB 1585Lozano, J.M. &
Hughes, Bryan
Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to issue permits for the discharge into water of this state of produced water, hydrostatic test water, and gas plant effluent resulting from certain oil and gas activities.Passed
HB 2957Zwiener, ErinRelating to a requirement that certain recipients of financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board adopt certain restrictions on water use by their customers.3/12/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 2998Relating to a prohibition of the land application of grease or grit trap waste.5/6/19 Failed in Committee - Not Passed
HB 3035Zwiener, ErinRelating to the relationship between the amount of an administrative penalty imposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the economic benefit of the violation to the alleged violator.5/1/19 Committee action pending - Not Passed
HB 3067Ashby, TrentRelating to an oil and gas production tax credit for oil and gas producers that provide produced water for recycling4/17/19 Committee action pending - Not Passed
HB 3246Darby, DrewRelating to treating and recycling for beneficial use certain liquid or semiliquid waste arising out of or incidental to drilling for or producing oil or gas.Passed
HB 3318Burns, DeWayneRelating to a permit requirement for the land application of domestic septage.4/17/19 Committee Action Pending - Not Passed
HB 3319Burns, DeWayneRelating to the collection of soil monitoring samples from land application units where sewage sludge or domestic septage is applied.3/18/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 3320Zwiener, ErinRelating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to require water pollution abatement plans from certain facilities regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas.3/18/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 3339Dominguez, AlexRelating to requirements for programs of water conservation and water conservation plans.Passed
HB 3560Farrar, JessicaRelating to the authority of a county to implement a pilot program to reuse wastewater at county facilities.3/18/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 3717 Companion Bill SB 1999Dominguez, Alex & Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to an oil and gas production tax credit for oil and gas producers that provide treated produced water to aquifer storage and recovery project operators.4/17/19 - Committee Action Pending - Not Passed
HB 3805 Companion Bill SB 2394Paul, Dennis &
Taylor, Larry
Relating to reporting requirements for certain accidental discharges or spills.3/19/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
HB 3930Morrison, GeanieRelating to a study of the effects of building requirements on the use of water conservation technology.4/26/19 Reported from Committee - Not Passed
HB 4116Zwiener, ErinRelating to a voluntary financial assurance program for permit holders under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.5/7/19 Referred to Senate Committee - Not Passed
HB 4380Abel, HerreroRelating to the creation of the Environmental Task Force Advisory Committee.5/2/19 Reported favorably from committee - Not Passed
HB 4570Larson, LyleRelating to establishing an advisory board to study surface water and groundwater interaction.5/9/19 Set on the House Calendar - Not Passed
HJR 4 Companion Resolutions
HJR 81 SJR 51
Phelan, Dade & Creighton, BrandonProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects.Passed
SB 6Kolkhorst, LoisRelating to emergency and disaster management, response, and recovery.Passed
SB 7Creighton, BrandonRelating to flood control planning and the funding of flood planning, mitigation, and infrastructure projects.Passed
SB 8Perry, CharlesRelating to state and regional flood planning.Passed
SB 483 Companion Bill HB 1044Campbell, Donna &
Zwiener, Erin
Relating to permits for certain injection wells that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.Passed
SB 500Nelson, JaneRelating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and prescribing limitations regarding appropriations.Passed
SB 520 Companion Bill HB 481Campbell, Donna & Kuempel, JohnRelating to the storage and recovery of water in a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.Passed
SB 530 Companion Bill HB 1267Birdwell, Bryan &
Wray, John
Relating to civil and administrative penalties assessed or imposed for violations of laws protecting drinking water, public water supplies, and bodies of water.Passed
SB 655 Companion Bill HB 817Flores, Pete &
King, Tracy
Relating to a restriction on permits authorizing direct discharges of waste or pollutants into water in certain areas of the Edwards Aquifer.3/1/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 900Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to state and local planning for and responses to drought.3/1/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 942 Companion Bill HB 2023Johnson, Nathan &
Metcalf, Will
Relating to the use of money in the state water pollution control revolving fund.Passed
SB 970 Companion Bill HB 2003Creighton, Brandon &
Leach, Jeff
Relating to the review and approval of contingent fee contracts for certain public agencies.5/2/19 Companion Bill pronounced dead by procedural action - Not Passed
SB 1010Perry, CharlesRelating to rules adopted by groundwater conservation districts overlying a common aquifer.5/14/19 Committee action pending - Not Passed
SB 1041Taylor, LarryRelating to the deadline by which the Texas Water Development Board is required to identify and designate brackish groundwater production zones for certain areas of the state.Passed
SB 1249Miles, BorrisRelating to permit application requirements for solid waste facilities.3/7/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1379Rodriguez, JoseRelating to a requirement that certain recipients of financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board adopt certain restrictions on water use by their customers.3/14/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1498Zaffirini, JudithRelating to regulation of on-site sewage disposal systems including occupational licensure requirements associated with those systems.3/14/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1521Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to the funding of flood planning, mitigation, and infrastructure projects; making an appropriation.3/14/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1538Menendez, JoseRelating to the establishment of a career mentoring pilot program for certain students who are veterans.5/14/19 Left pending in House Committee - Not Passed
SB 1539Menendez, JoseRelating to the establishment of a pilot program for certain students who are veterans.5/14/19 Left pending in House Committee - Not Passed
SB 1576Alvarado, CarolRelating to the creation of the Texas Industrial Workforce Apprenticeship Grant Program.5/14/19 Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1585 Companion Bill HB 2771Hughes, Bryan &
Lozano, J.M.
Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to issue permits for the discharge into water of this state of produced water, hydrostatic test water, and gas plant effluent resulting from certain oil and gas activities.Companion Bill Passed
SB 1724Campbell, DonnaRelating to certain public school workforce training programs funded by the skills development fund.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1836 Companion Bill HB 724Alvarado, Carol &
Larson, Lyle
Relating to the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the discharge, diversion, and transfer or other reuse of treated brackish groundwater and return flows derived from treated brackish groundwater.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1994Birdwell, BryanRelating to reporting requirements for certain accidental discharges or spills.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 1999 Companion Bill HB 3717Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to an oil and gas production tax credit for oil and gas producers that provide treated produced water to aquifer storage and recovery project operators.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 2070Menendez, JoseRelating to a prohibition of the land application of grease or grit trap waste.5/22/19 Withdrawn from the Local Calendar - Not Passed
SB 2331 Companion Bill HB 3339Creighton, Brandon &
Dominguez, Alex
Relating to requirements for programs of water conservation and water conservation plans.Companion Bill Passed
SB 2352Hall, BobRelating to a statewide disaster alert system.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SB 2394 Companion Bill HB 3805Taylor, Larry &
Paul, Dennis
Relating to the expiration of the municipal sales and use tax for street maintenance in certain municipalities.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
SJR 28Perry, CharlesProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the State Flood Plan Implementation Fund to assist in the financing of certain flood-related projects.Referred to Committee - Not Passed
86th Session Other Water Quality Bills
HB 100Johnson, EricRelating to information on projected changes in weather and water availability in strategic plans of certain state agencies.Did Not Pass
HB 112Swanson, ValoreeRelating to legislative review and approval of certain state agency rules.Filed
HB 137Hinojosa, GinaRelating to reports by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality about dams that have certain hazard classifications.Passed
HB 230Krause, MattRelating to reporting by political subdivisions regarding the receipt or expenditure of federal funds.Did Not pass
HB 245Farrar, JessicaRelating to a requirement to make certain environmental and water use permit applications available online.Filed
HB 274Davis, SarahRelating to the creation of the disaster reinvestment and infrastructure planning revolving fund and the permissible uses of that fund; making an appropriation.Did Not Pass
HB 298Murr, AndrewRelating to the procedure by which a state agency may issue an opinion that a watercourse is navigable.Filed
HB 347King, PhilRelating to eliminating distinctions in the application of consent annexation requirements.Passed
HB 415Guerra, BobbyRelating to the procedure for adoption by a state agency of rules that may have an adverse economic effect on small businesses, micro- businesses, and rural communities.Filed
HB 478Phelan, DadeRelating to the funding of flood planning, mitigation, and infrastructure projects.Filed
HB 654 Companion Bill SB 573Dutton, Harold & Miles, BorrisRelating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications.Filed
HB 801 Companion Bill SB 179Walle, Amando &
Miles, Borris
Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris County.Filed
HB 807Larson, LyleRelating to the state and regional water planning process.Passed
HB 997Collier, NicoleRelating to testing for lead contamination in public school drinking water.Filed
HB 1006Collier, NicoleRelating to changes to an application for an environmental permit before a contested case hearing on the application.Filed
HB 1059 Companion Bill SB 1381Lucio III, Eddie &
Rodriguez, Jose
Relating to a biennial report on stormwater infrastructure in this state.Filed
HB 1329Thompson, EdRelating to the provision of information regarding certain enforcement actions by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.Filed
HB 1330Thompson, EdRelating to the factors to be considered in determining the amount of an administrative penalty assessed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.Filed
HB 1491Ron, ReynoldsRelating to the establishment of the Texas Environmental Justice Advisory Council.Filed
HB 2948Guillen, RyanRelating to the creation of an advisory panel to study and compile a report on best management practices and funding mechanisms for the prevention, mitigation, and abatement of windblown and waterborne litter in communities.Filed
HB 2998Talarico, JamesRelating to lead in drinking water at schools and child care facilities.Filed
HB 3022Miller, RIckRelating to emergency warning systems operated by municipalities and counties.Vetoed
HB 3053Gervin-Hawkins, BarbaraRelating to the adoption of a healthy and safe school water plan by public schools.Filed
HJR 11Gonzalez, MaryProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.Did Not Pass
HJR 81 Companion Resolution
SJR 51
Phelan, Dade &
Hinojosa, Chuy
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects.Companion Resolution Passed
SB 64Nelson, JaneRelating to cybersecurity for information resources.Passed
SB 122West, RoyceRelating to the procedure by which a state agency considers legislative intent when adopting an agency rule.Did Not Pass
SB 179 Companion Bill HB 801Miles, Borris &
Walle, Amando
Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris County.Filed
SB 180Miles, BorrisRelating to applications for permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certain new or expanded facilities in certain low-income and minority communities.Filed
SB 185Miles, BorrisRelating to the response to certain oil or gas well accidents by state agencies and responsible parties.Filed
SB 285Miles, BorrisRelating to information and outreach regarding hurricane preparedness and mitigation.Filed
SB 300Miles, BorrisRelating to indefinite quantity contracts for the provision of certain services to declared disaster areas following a natural disaster.Filed
SB 573 Companion Bill HB 654Miles, Borris &
Dutton, Harold
Relating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications.Filed
SB 756Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to the participation of eligible nonprofit organizations in the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant program.Filed
SB 911Hinojosa, ChuyRelating to the supervision of water districts by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.Filed
SB 1381 Companion Bill HB 1059Rodriguez, Jose &
Lucio III, Eddie
Relating to a biennial report on stormwater infrastructure in this state.Vetoed
SB 1575Alvarado, CarolRelating to governmental immunity for and adjudication of claims arising from a local governmental entity's disaster recovery contract.Vetoed
SJR 51 Companion Resolution
HJR 81
Hinojosa, Chuy & Phelan, DadeProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects.Companion Resolution Passed
85th Session Water Quality Bills
HB 101Craddick
Provisions for the design and construction of at least a 10 mgd reclaimed facility in Midland
Passed & Signed
HB 257Hernandez
Texas Workforce Commission report of transferrable skills for military transition to employment
Passed & Signed
HB 2729Lucio III
TX Workforce Commission to develop statewide inventory of certificates that can be earned in high school, with annual updates to the inventory
Passed & Signed
HB 2771Phelan
Relating to the wastewater treatment permit application (removes $10 fee for on-site septic permits)
Passed & Signed
HB 3177Lucio III
Relating to the delegation of uncontested matters to the executive director of the TCEQ
Passed & Signed
HB 3618King, Tracy
Repeals synced TPDES permit expirations within the same watershed/river segment
Passed & Signed
SB 1105Hinojosa
Moves $18 million reserve and about $2 million per year in future revenue from TCEQ’s Used Oil Recycling Account to TCEQ’s Water Management Account to fund broad range of water programs
Passed & Signed
SB 1289Creighton
Modifies US iron and steel requirements for TWDB projects
Passed & Signed
HB 2377Larson
Rules for groundwater district permits for brackish groundwater production
Passed, Vetoed
HB 2798Ferrar
Harris Country to implement a reuse water pilot program for subsurface irrigation and toilet/urinal use of wastewater treated at a Harris Co. facility
Passed, Vetoed
HB 2943Larson
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for conservation easements for water quality control and broadened CWSRF applicant eligibility
Passed, Vetoed
SB 746/HB 2517Kolkhorst/Stephenson
Prohibits the permitting of Class B sludge with the addition of grit and grease waste
Did Not Pass
HB 2092Morrison
Prohibits the land application permitting of Class B sludge with the addition of grit and grease trap waste including processed G&G trap waste
Did Not Pass
HB 1250Wray
Allows Country Commissioners to prohibit land application of ALL classes of biosolids in Ellis County
Did Not Pass
HB 3642/SB 1724Burns/Birdwell
Relating to a permit requirement for the land application of domestic septage
Did Not Pass
HB 3644/SB 1723Burns/Birdwe
Relating to collection of soil monitoring samples from land application units where sewage sludge or domestic septage is applied
Did Not Pass
HB 98Martinez
Newspaper notice requirements for TPDES permits
Did Not Pass
HB 1536/SB 2026Farrar/ Rodriguez
TCEQ to study and report on green stormwater infrastructure
Did Not Pass
HB 3036King, Tracy
Discharge permit restrictions of waste or pollutants into certain areas of Edwards Aquifer
Did Not Pass
HB 3467/SB 1796Howard/Menendez
Discharge permit restrictions over certain segments of Edwards Aquifer
Did Not Pass
HB 4221Elkins
Wastewater infrastructure assessments and reports to TCEQ
Did Not Pass
SB 1598Miles
Discharge permits in low-income and minority communities
Did Not Pass
HB 1115Dutton
Defines “affected person” (includes elected official) for purposes of a TCEQ contested case regarding dismissal of protests against certain environmental permit applications
Did Not Pass
HB 3004Isaac
Dismissal of protests against certain decisions/actions by TCEQ on wastewater discharge permits
Did Not Pass
SB 1628Estes
Replacement of contested case hearings for certain environmental permits with a petition for administrative review
Did Not Pass

We maintain strong relationships with the Water Quality Division staff at TCEQ as well as EPA Region 6. For updates on regulatory issues that WEAT is following.

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