WEAT NE Section Lunch Meeting: Current Topics in Water & Updates

Q1 20

Join the WEAT Northeast Section for the February lunch meeting!

The presentation will cover updates on Texas winter storm Uri, rising infrastructure costs, water quality permitting rules, upcoming regulations, and the technical aspects of various municipal, industrial, stormwater, and sludge permits.


Members: complimentary

Non-Members: complimentary

2.0 credit hours for wastewater and water utility operators were approved by the TCEQ for this meeting.


Lunch: 11:30 am to 12 noon

Section Business: 12 noon to 12:15 pm

Program: 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm

Speaker: Ross Morgan, TCEQ

Mr. Morgan is the Water Section Manager for the Tyler Regional Office of the TCEQ. Prior to this position he worked as a Work Leader in the same area and was an Environmental Investigator for 12 years working in wastewater, stormwater, sludge transporters, sludge application, water rights, and Confined Animal Feeding Operations.

He began his career and received his training foundation in the TCEQ Houston office where he worked in water quality. During his tenure with the TCEQ he has been involved with the development of numerous training programs, including BIT, Advanced Water Investigator Training, Advanced, Waste investigator Training, the biology of wastewater treatment, and stormwater program development and enforcement.

Mr. Morgan has been with the TCEQ for 16 years. Prior to working for the TCEQ Mr. Morgan earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science and a Master of Science in Aquatic Biology from Stephen F. Austin State University.

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