An official 2018-2019 Submission Form (brochure in the right sidebar) should be submitted to the Clean Shores Challenge Workgroup by January 11, 2019. Note the main contact person (Section Cleanup Representative) on the submission form for section communications with the Workgroup Leader. An electronic PDF submittal must be sent to the Workgroup no later than January 11, 2019.
Awards will be announced at Texas Water 2019. A representative of each competing section should be present at the Awards Breakfast at the Texas Water Conference, April 2 - 5, 2019, in Houston, Texas.
Submissions for multiple awards are allowed and encouraged!
Submit forms via email to the Workgroup, see contact information in Table 1 . As an alternative option, you may request a Dropbox or Google drive link to upload your submission form. Please request a link from the Workgroup.