Understanding the Importance of Cyber Liability and Insurance

Q3 Art 01

With the advent of more advanced cyber-attacks on water and wastewater utilities, it is no longer an issue of IF a utility will be attacked, but WHEN a utility will be attacked. Utilities must put in place appropriate precautionary measures prior to an attack, but what happens after the attack? Recovery planning is equally critical and should not be limited to just the technical aspects. It must also include consideration for cyber insurance coverage to help offset the exorbitant costs of recovery.

The speakers will provide a discussion on insurance coverages they should seek for themselves and also for coverages they should mandate within their contracts for their consultants and vendors who have access to any critical information related to the company. It will include a discussion of why these coverages are important and how this can support the recovery efforts.

At the conclusion of the presentations, a moderated panel discussion will be held which will allow the attendees to pose questions to the speakers to gain additional insight into the subject of cyber insurance coverage.


  • Robert Warren, Trinity River Authority of Texas
  • Jeff McLaughlin, McLaughlin Insurance

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WEAT Member Registration: Complimentary

Non-Member Registration: $85

Webinar Sponsorship: $300

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