6:30 pm–8:30 pm Conference Night-Out • Billy Bob’s Texas
FRIDAY, APRIL 12 7:00 am–8:30 am Gloyna Breakfast
8:00 am–Noon Facility Tours • Depart from Convention Center
Texas Water is the largest regional water conference in the United States, drawing thousands of exhibitors and attendees each year to learn and network.
Abstract Submission for Texas Water 2024 is closed - if you submitted an abstract for consideration be on the lookout for more information in early 2024.
Interested in Attending?
Attendee Registration for Texas Water 2024 is now open at www.txwater.org
Interested in Exhibiting?
We still have booth available in the Innovation Lounge. Exhibit Booths are sold out for 2024. If you are interested in exhibiting at the Innovation Lounge click the button below to contact the WEAT office.
6:30 pm–8:30 pm Conference Night-Out • Billy Bob’s Texas
FRIDAY, APRIL 12 7:00 am–8:30 am Gloyna Breakfast
8:00 am–Noon Facility Tours • Depart from Convention Center
Important Info & Featured Events at Texas Water 2024
WEAT Committee Meetings
Take action and join a committee! WEAT offers a wide variety of specialized committees to its members. Committee connections provide members with a sense of camaraderie and mutual goals, which are especially rewarding at this time. Committees will be having open meetings the week before Texas Water 2024. Feel free to jump in and join any or as many of the meetings as you’re interested in and have time to attend. Check back soon for a comprehensive schedule of committee meetings at Texas Water 2024.
WEAT Board Meeting & Leaders' Networking Event
WEAT's 2nd Quarter Board Meeting at Texas Water will see new officer elections for the 2024-25 term. The Board Meeting & Networking Event is open to anyone interested in getting involved with WEAT and will be held on-site at the Fort Worth Convention Center Ballroom A on April 9, 2024 from 1 to 4 PM.
Opening General Session/Keynote Address
Wednesday, April 10, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Opening Session
Join us at the Opening General session for Keynotes from WEF Delegate Corey Williams & Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker.
Reelected in 2023 with 70% of the vote, Mayor Parker has served as the 45th Mayor of Fort Worth since 2021. Parker is focused on building a safer and stronger Fort Worth, nurturing thriving families, and fostering the highest quality of life in every ZIP code of the nation’s 13th largest city.
Launching her vision to build Fort Worth into a world-class city, Mayor Parker’s next-generation leadership includes key efforts and community partnerships to bolster Fort Worth’s development to compete in a global economy, improve public safety, expand access to education and workforce opportunities, and preserve the city’s rich heritage with a pioneering spirit and determination to leave things better than she found them.
Mayor Parker is a licensed attorney, with more than seventeen years of experience in national, state and local public affairs, including her service as the chief of staff for Mayor and the Fort Worth City Council. She was the founding CEO of Fort Worth Cradle to Career and the Tarrant To & Through (T3) Partnership. She and her husband David are the proud parents of one daughter and two sons.
Operations Challenge
Watch the nation’s best operators and maintenance staff compete in the Operations Challenge Competition. The competition returns in person this year and is open to any team that would like to sign up; teams of two to four can compete in as many as seven events. Click here to sign up today!
The competition takes place in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday and Thursday. This multi-day competition showcases each team’s knowledge and skills in Process Control, Laboratory Event, Pump Maintenance, Collection System, Safety, and our three exhibition events: Gupta Electrical Event, Seepex Exhibition Event and Victaulic Exhibition Event.
Non-Utility teams, and any person in attendance at the show, can sign up and compete in the Exhibition Events where two divisions are available. Division I represents past teams who have competed in all events, and Division II represents new teams competing in any event for the first time. Competitors can receive up to 10 TCEQ CEU hours, t-shirts, entry into the technical sessions and exhibit halls, and bragging rights! The top Texas Teams earn a free trip to the National WEFTEC competition.
Congratulate the best performing teams in each competition event, along with the overall winners, at the Operations Challenge Awards Ceremony, on Thursday, April 13 from 2:45 to 3:45 PM in Ballroom C.
Biosolids Beauty Contest
Biosolids Beauty Contest is coming to Texas Water 2024 and will be held from 3:00 to 3:30 PM in the Exhibit Hall. Categories include Class B, Class A/AB, Overall Winner, People’s Choice and Most Creative Presentation. Visit https://www.txwater.org/2024/b... for more information and to sign up.
Earlybird registration rates are available thru March 18, 2024.
Contact the WEAT office for your WEAT/WEF Member number.
President's Reception
Each year, WEAT invites friends and colleagues to our President’s Reception — an evening of celebration, networking, and accolades as we honor WEAT’s President. The 2024 President's Reception will be April 9, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We have limited space available to sponsors, click here for more information.
Student Design Competition
Wednesday, April 10, 9 AM to 1:30 PM
The WEAT Student Design Competition (SDC) gives students the opportunity to design and present a project based on a real-world wastewater treatment plant design problem. Students will be competing to represent WEAT at the Student Design Competition in New Orleans at WEFTEC 2024.
The 2024 WEAT SDC will focus on the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant (PCWRP) located in Denton, Texas. The plant was constructed in 1961 and later expanded four more times before reaching its current permitted flows of 21-mgd AADF and 46-mgd P2H. Denton is experiencing unprecedented growth and the plant will expand to accommodate the population increase. Students participating in the competition are tasked with expanding the plant to 26-mgd AADF and 69-mgd P2H, upgrading the adjacent Dyno-Dirt Composting Facility to accommodate the increase of plant biosolids, along with addressing other improvements.
Come out and support your alma mater or see some prospective future leaders in the industry!
Women of Water Breakfast
Thursday, April 11, 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM
Ticket required
The Annual Women of Water Breakfast will feature three dynamic panel members who will discuss their entrepreneurial skills providing different services to the public and the water industry. This year's panel will feature Cristina Criado, CEO of Criado & Associates; Stephanie Corso of Rogue Water; and Nancy Lerner of Brio Consulting. We look forward to having you join us for breakfast as these women showcase the difference women can make in our water community, while also providing a forum for future leaders to network with seasoned professionals.
One ticket is included with Full Registration. Additional breakfast tickets are available at $50 each if purchased on or before March 18; $60 after.
Facility Tours
Friday, April 12, 8:00 AM
Attendees can add to their Texas Water 2024 experience by registering for one of the three Friday morning tours. Tour tickets are in addition to conference registration and include transportation. Cost is $35 if purchased by March 18; $40 thereafter. Choose one of the three tours that will leave from the Fort Worth Convention Center at 8 a.m. Friday morning:
Option 1: Tour of Bureau of Engraving & Printing’s Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth
How is money made? The Western Currency Facility opened in 1990 in Fort Worth as the first government facility outside Washington, DC, to print United States paper money. The facility serves the currency needs of the western half of the nation and acts as a contingency operation in case of an emergency at the DC facility. The facility was recently named Industry of the Year and additionally earned a Pretreatment Partnership Award and Pollution Prevention award in their sweep of 2019 City of Fort Worth Environmental Awards. The tour is limited to the first 48 people who sign up.
Option 2: City of Fort Worth Westside Water Treatment Plant
The 15 MGD Westside Plant is Fort Worth's newest and smallest facility, and the only water treatment plant that uses membranes. It primarily serves the western side of the city, along with customer cities Aledo, Willow Park, and Hudson Oaks.
Ozone is used for primary disinfection, mainly for taste and odor control and treatment preconditioning. Secondary disinfection is with chloramines, using sodium hypochlorite and liquid ammonia sulfate. The plant has full conventional treatment in front of the low-pressure membranes. Hard infrastructure was constructed for a 35 MGD facility which will allow for simpler plant expansion without major construction activity. In early 2024, improvements related to winter weatherization will be operational. This includes backup power generation using two 2.5-megawatt generators and enclosing the high-service pump station. These improvements are part of the utility’s efforts to comply with the requirements of SB3. Fort Worth’s Public Art program commissioned a mosaic and painting for the facility. The artist’s concept for the abstract artwork is to portray the membrane process in the mosaic and the treatment process in the painting. The tour is limited to the first 48 people who sign up.
Option 3: Trinity River Authority CRWS Thermal Hydrolysis Process Facility The Trinity River Authority (TRA) Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) provides wastewater collection and treatment services to all or portions of 21 jurisdictions in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex, as well as the DFW International Airport. The Solids Management Program included significant improvements to the plant’s solids handling facilities and incorporated a Thermal Hydrolysis Process to produce a Class A biosolids product.
The final product exhibits excellent properties for soil blending and land application with low odor biosolids. Another added benefit of THP is that digested biosolids exhibit better dewatering properties and mechanical dewatering can produce cake biosolids typically greater than 30% with either belt filter presses or centrifuges. The tour is limited to the first 48 people who sign up.
Curtis Smalley Environmental Event
Tuesday, April 9, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Calling all environmental enthusiasts and dedicated volunteers – get ready to make a splash at the Curtis Smalley Environmental Event! This event promises a morning of meaningful impact and Texas-sized camaraderie amidst the scenic backdrop of Trinity Park in downtown Fort Worth. With a blend of professionalism and genuine enthusiasm, the Curtis Smalley Environmental Event aims to inspire, educate, and foster connections among water enthusiasts, passionate about safeguarding our water resources. Get your boots ready for a meaningful experience, which includes the chance to make a tangible impact on the protection and restoration of the beloved waterways along the Clear Fork Trinity River. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a collective effort that will continue the legacy of this cherished event. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up for the event online at www.txwater.org (under “Events”).
Wednesday, April 10 5:30 AM check in; 6:30 AM start time
The Dodson Drive Fun Run supports young professionals in the Texas water industry by raising funds to support the TAWWA/WEAT Dodson Drive Fund. The Dodson Drive Fund, established in 2011 to honor the late Kenneth Dodson, provides scholarships for young professionals and funding to send our young professionals to the annual Young Professionals Summit.
This year’s Fun Run is a 5K course location starting between the Fort Worth Convention Center and the Fort Worth Water Gardens. Participants will run the historic streets of downtown Fort Worth on a scenic route, with views of the famous Water Gardens and Fort Worth City Hall along the way. All teams and paid participants will be chip timed and receive a technical shirt. Finishers will receive their very own finisher’s ribbon to wear on your Texas Water badge. Awards will be given to the fastest male and female overall runners, fastest male and female masters runners, fastest YP male and female runners, and the fastest team. Sign up at www.txwater.org! Don’t miss being a part of this conference tradition!
InFLOW Program
InFLOW stands for Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water and was conceived by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) in an effort to introduce promising students from underrepresented groups to professional careers in the water industry. InFLOW aims to enhance diversity and inclusion in the water workforce.
More information about the national InFLOW program is available at WEF's InFLOW page.
The InFLOW program is intended to showcase and inform students of the many rewarding careers in the water sector; as well as facilitate networking and mentoring opportunities for successful careers in the water sector.
More information about InFLOW at Texas Water is available at WEAT's InFLOW page.
The WEAT/WEF InFLOW, Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water, is a program to enhance diversity and inclusion in the water workforce. Overall, the InFLOW program for students aims to provide students with the skills, experience, and connections they need to succeed in their chosen field after graduation.
Part of InFLOW takes place at Texas Water 2024, with the InFLOW Panel, an opportunity to have small and meaningful conversations with program supporters, mentors, and future employers, and tours around the exhibit hall.
We are looking for organizations like yours to join us as a sponsor to support outreach to diverse groups of up-and-coming professionals as we encourage and help prepare them for future water careers. The program is designed to help students gain practical skills and experience in our industry while connecting them with potential employers. Our sponsors have multiple opportunities to be recognized as part of our year-long InFLOW Program.
Awards Lunch
Wednesday, April 10 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Ticket Required
Enjoy a great meal with your colleagues at the Awards Lunch. The luncheon will feature the first of the conference award ceremonies, recognizing some of the longtime leaders of our water/wastewater community. Your ticket to the luncheon is included with Full or Wednesday-Only Registration. Additional tickets are available for $75 on or before March 18; $85 after.
Awards Celebration
Thursday, April 11 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Texas Water will honor WEAT and TAWWA friends and colleagues who have demonstrated their commitment to the water and wastewater profession. This fast-paced, live and fun event will take place in Ballroom C of the Convention Center. Box Lunches will be made available to attendees.
Conference Night Out
Thursday, April 11, 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM
Ticket required
Our conference night out event will take place at the Historic Billy Bob’s Texas, conveniently located in the Stockyards. Billy Bob’s Texas first opened April 1, 1980 with a live concert from Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers. It is the world’s largest honky-tonk. The event will feature live music, food options, and live armadillo races. The Conference Night Out tickets include one Old West Photo (1 photo ticket) and a deluxe bar service that includes a variety of wines, beers and cocktails (2 drink tickets, followed by a cash bar).
Shuttle buses will leave from the conference hotel at 6 pm. The Gavel Passing ceremony will start at 6:15 pm.
A Conference Night-Out ticket is included with Full Registration or with the Guest Badge. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the cost of $100 by March 18; $110 after.
Billy Bob’s Texas is located at 2520 Rodeo Plaza, Fort Worth, TX 76164.
Water for People Silent Auction
Wednesday, April 10 - Thursday, April 11
All net proceeds from the silent auction benefit Water For People, a global non-profit with a revolutionary mission of water and sanitation for every family, every school, and every clinic!! Water For People insists on remaining for generations, gaining district-wide matching support, employing locals, and empowering women. Their motto is “Everyone Forever” and the model they employ to execute programs and projects ensures long-lasting, sustainable impacts to communities. To donate an auction item, visit www.txwater.org.
Texas Water attendees Meet & Greet in the Exhibit Hall at the Fort Worth Convention Center for refreshments.
Registration opens at 4 p.m., then you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the Exhibit Hall. Texas Water 2024 hosts the largest regional water exhibition on the continent. More than 600 exhibit booths are in one place, at one time, in the convention center.
YP Technical Session
Wednesday, April 10, 1:20 to 5:10 PM
Young Professionals will share their knowledge and experiences on an array of matters aimed at engaging YPs and seasoned professionals alike. Reference the program lineup for details.
Student Award Ceremony
Wednesday, April 10, 5:15 PM to 5:30 PM
Winners of the Student Design Competition, the University Forum, and the Dodson’s Drive Run will be honored and celebrated at this ceremony, ahead of the YP, Students, and Mentoring Program Networking Event.
YP, Students, InFLOW Students, Mentoring Program Networking Event
Wednesday, April 12, 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Join Students, YPs, and seasoned professionals for drinks and hors d’oeuvres during this networking event. The Networking Event will provide Young Professionals an opportunity to meet with Mentors and discuss their career journey. Join us to learn more about the Mentoring Program and how you can participate.
Professional Ethics Workshop for Engineers
Thursday, April 11, 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
The Texas Water Engineer’s Ethics Seminar is an interactive and thought-provoking session led by Bob Pence and Gina Smith from Freese and Nichols, Inc. While earning one Professional Development Hour and satisfying the annual ethics requirement, you will learn to recognize ethical situations faced by engineers, analyze the issues of ethical situations, and discuss how to resolve ethical situations in a creative and professional manner. There is no additional fee or need to pre-register for this training.