The 86th session kicked off on Jan 8 with water bills filed addressing disaster and flood planning and funding as a top priority as announced by Governor Abbott, Lt Gov Patrick, and Speaker Bonnen. WEAT is tracking a number of high priority bills and subject areas for our members and stakeholders. These include but are not limited to:
- Produced water discharge
- Land application of domestic septage
- Disaster/flood planning
- funding and mitigation
- Water quality/pollution prevention
- Contested case process and facility permitting
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
- Brackish desal
- Groundwater management
Other topics of interests that we expect to see legislation addressing include land application of biosolids and domestic septage, as well as, produced water reuse and disposal.
Join Heather Cooke, Austin Water, Nathan Vassar, Lloyd Gosselink, and WEAT Executive Director, Julie Nahrgang as they discuss the latest from the leg and give you details on bills that impact you, your ratepayers, and all those in the water sector in Texas.
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