Welcome to the TAWWA/WEAT YP Fall Forum! Join us for a day of networking and learning with other young professionals in the water and wastewater industry.
This year's theme is Time Management: Keeping a Healthy Work/Life Balance. This in-person event will feature YP speakers, breakout sessions, and an interactive open forum to encourage all attendees to engage with their own thoughts and perspectives.
Are there any strategies you've found to be particularly effective (or ineffective) with helping promote your work/life balance? Have you learned any lessons about prioritization or time management that you'd like to share? You are encouraged to come prepared to share your personal strategies and experiences.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn something, expand your network, and engage with YPs across the industry!
Registration is now open at the following tiers:
- Private - $30
- Public/Student - $20
- Sponsor - $300 (includes 4 complimentary tickets)