Municipal Resource Recovery: The Water Energy Nexus

Brought to you by WEAT's Municipal Resource, Recovery, and Design Committee, the Water / Energy Nexus is the 9th Annual W.W. Wesley Eckenfelder Lecture.

The Eckenfelder Lecture Series was developed to honor Dr. W. Wesley Eckenfelder’s distinguished career as an environmental trailblazer spanning more than 60 years, during which time he taught and trained thousands of graduate and undergraduate students and professionals in the art and science of wastewater treatment.

Register Now

Registration is now open, the early bird rate is available until July 12, after which prices will increase by $25. You can register online, or download and fill out the registration form and send it to the WEAT office.

WEAT Member $75
WEAT Member, utility employee $35
Student $15
Non-Member $125
Non-Member, utility employee $85

Non-member registration includes one year of WEAT membership.

Registration Form

Sponsorship Opportunities

Event sponsorship comes with one complimentary registration, as well as special recognition at the the event, and in Texas WET and WEAT's Social Media accounts. Those interested in sponsoring the event can pay for sponsorship through the online registration process, or complete and return the sponsorship form to the WEAT office, with a 300 DPI vector image of their company logo.

Sponsorship Opportunities Event sponsorship comes with one complimentary registration, as well as special recognition at the the event, and in Texas WET and WEAT's Social Media accounts. Those interested in sponsoring the event can pay for sponsorship through the online registration process, or complete and return the sponsorship form to the WEAT office, with a 300 DPI vector image of their company logo.

Hotel Accommodations

Menger Hotel | Rate $126/night + tax | Parking $20/night | Book before June 18

Follow the link below or go to and use the group code: 071919WATER

Hotel Booking

Draft Agenda


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