Attendees will have up to 3 months to watch the RECORDED presentations, participate, and receive TCEQ CEU credit! You will be able to view the recorded content, follow along with the slides, and participate in the follow up survey UNTIL NOVENBER 30!
The CMOM workshop brings municipal permit holders together with regulators from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 (EPA R6), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) together to discuss regulatory policy, best management practices, and community health and safety through collection system asset management and proper maintenance and operation.
This year, the workshop will be entirely virtual using GoToWebibnar software. We will use polling features to ensure attentiveness and attendance for the event and allow for CEUs.
Registration rates:
$95 for WEAT members
$145 for non WEAT members. Non member rate includes one year membership to WEAT.
Workshop Agenda
PDF Registration Form and Brochure
Workshop Description:
Background: Wastewater collection systems that are improperly maintained and operated can lead to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs), a serious public health and environmental problem. The CMOM approach outlines a dynamic system management framework that encourages evaluating and prioritizing efforts to identify and correct performance problems in the collection system.
Purpose: This workshop will allow EPA and state regulators to come together with their municipal permit holders to discuss examples of strong CMOM practices. Presentations made at the workshop will be available for all attendees.
Audience: All municipalities or special districts that manage wastewater collection systems, as well as their operators, engineers, management professionals and consultants.
Agenda Highlights:
EPA Headquarters Perspective
SSOs and Significant Non-Complience (SNC): EPA Region 6 Perspective
TCEQ's SSO Initiative
Professional Ethics Workshop
Asset Management Financial Benefits
Construction canCause Confusion for Customers
Comprehensive Manhole Inspections and Rehabilityation for Cost Effective Systeem Wide Improvements
Grease Interceptor Design
Perilous Road to Consent Decree
Introduction to Pipe Bursting
Long-term Flow Monitoring and Hydraulic Modeling
Invited Speakers:
Loren Denton - EPA, Washington, DC
Rachel Matthews - EPA Region 6, Dallas, TX
Anne Ruthstrom - TCEQ, Austin, TX
Steve Kana - City of Killeen, TX
Robert Pence and Gina Smith - Freese and Nichols Fort Worth, TX
John D’Antoni - Black & Veatch, Houston, TX
Jack Canfield & Fazle Rabbi - City of Houston, TX
Jenna Covington - North Texas Municipal Water District, Wylie, TX
Joel Ducoste - North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Jeff Haby - San Antonio Water System San Antonio, TX
Luis Leon - HDR Engineering Claremont, CA
Kevin L. Enfinger - ADS Environmental Services Huntsville,