Tipping the Scales: TDS Mass Balance and Management in Indirect Potable Reuse
Indirect potable reuse (IPR) is an increasingly important water supply alternative for water providers. In many cases, IPR creates a feedback loop from a utility’s wastewater discharge to their water supply source, a connection that could negatively impact the entire water system if not properly accounted for. This presentation will illustrate how several factors can interact in a highly connected system to either concentrate or moderate salinity in a system using a significant fraction of reclaimed water for either surface water augmentation or industrial reuse. A case study for the City of Cleburne will be used to describe methodologies for evaluating and quantifying TDS in the receiving stream, the impact of treatment changes to manage TDS, and the economics of those changes.
Dr. Nick Landes is a process engineer with Freese and Nichols focusing on the application of advanced modeling techniques to make sense of complicated systems. Nick is a graduate of Schreiner University in Kerrville with MS and PhD degrees from Texas Tech University. Dr. Landes has 8 years of experience researching, planning, modeling and designing water and wastewater treatment projects. He currently serves as the co-chair for WEAT’s Municipal Resource Recovery Design Committee
Meetings of the Central Texas Section of WEAT are held bimonthly (January, March, May, September, November). These meetings begin with a "meet and greet" followed by a meal and short technical program. The cost is $20 per person ($5 for students). You may pay at the door with cash or check or pay in advance at the Central Texas Section website.
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