Bryan/College Station AWIA Webinar Watch Meeting

Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (Webinar to begin at 11:30)

Location: 150 Venture Dr #100, College Station, TX 77845 (Jones & Carter Conference Room)

Topic: AWIA Webinar

Cost: $15

Webinar Presenters:
Lauren Wisniewski, TITLE, U.S. EPA Water Security Division
Sarah Moore, Senior Resilience Consultant, Arcadis

Webinar Overview:
This webinar will provide the audience with an understanding of the requirements of the American Water Infrastructure Act. It will discuss the requirements mandated for Water facilities and also cover the benefits of performing similar assessments for wastewater facilities. An overview of the AWIA requirements will be discussed followed by a presentation as to the process some utilities are following in conducting their assessments.

Meal: Blue Baker Sandwich, Chips, Cookie and Drink (please inform Rachel Gaddis of any dietary restrictions before 1/20/2020)

Meeting Contact: Rachel Gaddis, WEAT Bryan/College Station Section Representative


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