WEAT Biosolids Committee – Biosolids Webinar Series
The Water Environment Association of Texas – Biosolids Committee is excited to present a three-part biosolids webinar series in lieu of the bi-annual WEAT Biosolids, Odor, and Corrosion Conference. Our program will consist of pertinent subjects in biosolids including regulatory, PFAS, and communications. The seminar will be completely virtual, with three separate 90-minute sessions. The webinar will tentatively be held on June 3, June 17, and July 8, 2021!
June 3, 2021 – Biosolids Regulatory Session (90 mins)
This session will include a regulatory update on the Texas Regulatory Biosolids Climate and a technical presentation followed by a 30-minute panel discussion. This session will discuss new biosolids rules and their impact on water reclamation facilities, as well as the status and viability of Class B biosolids in Texas. The technical presentation will cover technology solutions to meet regulatory needs. The session will close with a panel discussion addressing questions on regulation, technology, and operations.
Sponsorship opportunities are currently available.
To provide Sponsors with the best benefit, we are offering a flat $300 or more sponsorship, and the choice to select a prime session for recognition. In addition to advertising during the webinar, Sponsors will be showcased on the WEAT social media pages.