WEAT Biosolids Committee – Biosolids Webinar Series
The Water Environment Association of Texas – Biosolids Committee is excited to present a three-part biosolids webinar series in lieu of the bi-annual WEAT Biosolids, Odor, and Corrosion Conference. Our program will consist of pertinent subjects in biosolids including regulatory, PFAS, and communications. The seminar will be completely virtual, with three separate 90- minute sessions. The webinar will tentatively be held on June 3, June 17, and July 8, 2021!
July 8, 2021 – Biosolids Communications Session (90 mins)
This session will feature a comprehensive look at the Water Environment Federation’s Biosolids Communications Toolkit. This walkthrough will introduce the resources available to communicate about biosolids in a factual, science-based manner that is easily understandable by the general public. Attendees will gain knowledge on how to effectively address challenging communication tasks that may be encountered regarding biosolids – from handling concerns raised about the safety of biosolids to developing positive content for social media. The presentation will be followed by a Q/A session.
Samantha Villegas, Director of Strategic Communication Services, Raftelis
Marisa Palmer, San Antonio Water System
Registration and Sponsorship
- Member registration ($30)
Registration includes webinar series
- Non-member Registration ($80)
Registration includes webinar and 1-year of WEAT-only membership.
- Sponsorship opportunities are currently available!
Webinar Sponsorship - $300
Sponsorship includes your name and logo acknowledgment at the webinar, on the WEAT website, and on WEAT social media pages.