Check in and warm-up: 9 am
Play: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
- Round Robin with single elimination bracket (minimum 3 matches per team).
- Trophies will be awarded to first and second place.
- Co-rec teams with equal number of women and men on the court, up to 6 players.
- $400 per team ($500 after March 14)
- $100 Student teams ($120 after March 14)
Sponsorship Opportunities:
(Sponsors to be listed on event banners for all levels)
Community Level - $1,000
- One team registration and logo at event
- Recognition in the TAWWA & TX WEAT local newsletters
- Recognition as a top-tier sponsor with Water for People when the final donation is presented
Hand-pump Level - $800
- One team registration and logo at event
- Recognition in the TAWWA & TX WEAT local newsletter
Wash Basin Level - $600
- One team registration and logo at event
Court Sponsor - $300 (limited to four)
- Company logo on net