Support the WEAT community by being stewards of the municipal wastewater treatment engineering practices for clean and safe water.
- Enrich and disseminate expertise of water professionals through seminars, workshops and public outreach.
- Increase awareness of the water profession.
- Enhance partnership between design professionals and operations & maintenance personnel.
Nicholas Landes
- Freese & Nichols, Inc.
Samir Mathur
- CDM Smith
Tina Hanson
- Garver
Rajendra Bhattarai
- Clean Water Strategies
Ana Pena-Tijerina
- Plummer Associates, Inc.
Murali Erat
- Freese & Nichols, Inc.
Amy Robinson
- CDM Smith
Lindsay Webb
- STV Inc.
Julie Nahrgang
Anton Dapcic
- Carollo Engineers, Inc.
Srikanth Koduri
- Brown and Caldwell
Andrew Shaw
- Black & Veatch
Dylan Christenson
- Garver
Kyle Kubista
- Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
Alexandra Doody
- CDM Smith
Charan Tej Tanneru
- Tetra Tech, Inc.
Brandy Martinez
- Brown and Caldwell
Francisco Guerrero
- Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.
Brandt Miller
- Hazen and Sawyer
Prachi Salekar
- Black and Veatch
Ajay Shrivastav
- CDM Smith
Farida Goderya
- City of Fort Worth
Ayobamidele Bello
- HR Green, Inc.
Ty Riebe
- Garver
Paula Monaco
- Plummer Associates, Inc.
Lisa Boatman
- Global WET
Raul Dominguez-Ramirez
- Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
Arifur Rahman
Shray Saxena
- Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Wesley Tait
- Carollo Engineers, Inc.
Suparna Suvasish Mukhopadhyay
- Plummer
Maria Wang
- City of Fort Worth
Paul Wood
- Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Carlos Chavez
- Garver
Suvarna Verma
- Jacobs
Caitlin Ruff
- Black & Veatch
Keval Satra
- HR Green, Inc.
Robert Williams
- Black & Veatch
Matthew Dobbertien
- Hazen and Sawyer
Michael Galindo
- San Antonio Water System
Rupender Reddy Remnauri
- Carollo
Kaitlyn Nobel
- Genesis Industries
Julie Nahrgang