Legislative Issues

For more information on WEAT activity in the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature, visit our Legislative Issues page.

Legislative Issues

Regulatory Affairs

Read the latest about state and federal regulations and WEAT advocacy on our Regulatory Affairs blog

Regulatory Affairs Blog

Advocacy is fundamental to WEAT’s mission. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit technical and educational organization, WEAT is dedicated to promoting scientifically sound environmental policy and regulations. To support this goal, WEAT monitors activities at state and federal regulatory agencies (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – TCEQ and EPA) as well as the Texas Legislature. We keep our members informed of policy developments and serve as a resource to state and federal policymakers by offering our expertise and insight on water quality and resource related issues.

The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) works closely with WEAT Knowledge Committees to provide comments and testimony. We coordinate closely with the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) as well as other federal and state water associations.

Texas Legislative Process Overview

The Texas Legislature meets in Austin every odd-numbered year (from January through May) to pass new laws. All legislation must undergo at least one public hearing in both a House and Senate committee before it can be passed into law. These hearings are the key opportunities for input to be provided to policymakers. Legislative committee hearings are held intensively from January through May of odd numbered years and periodically outside of these regular sessions, as scheduled by the committee chairs.

Texas Regulatory Process Overview

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) develops and enforces federal and state rules governing the operation of wastewater facilities in Texas. Rule changes can come from new laws passed by the Texas Legislature or Congress, as well as policy changes from the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). TCEQ rules can also be changed through petitions from concerned citizens as well as TCEQ staff initiated changes, such as proposed changes to biosolids rules. WEAT maintains strong relationships with Water Quality Division staff at TCEQ and also works with EPA Region 6, the region that includes Texas.

Relevant Contacts

Heather Cooke

Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair

Nathan Vassar

Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair

Phillip Goodwin

Government Affairs Committee Vice-Chair

Julie Nahrgang

Executive Director